
SNiPs: The Radiobiological Impact: Talking Nuclear Medicine with Guest Sandy McEwan

Written by Fractals: Life Science Conversations | Jun 5, 2024 7:40:18 PM

In this debut episode of SNiPs, a special recurring segment of Fractals: Life Science Conversations, Alexander (Sandy) J.B. McEwan, MB, MSc, FRCPC, Bracken’s in-house expert in nuclear medicine, returns to the audio stage. Dr. McEwan, who has served as Past President of SNMMI, Chief Medical Officer at Ariceum, and Vice President of Radiopharmaceuticals at Ipsen, brings a wealth of experience and academic knowledge. He and host Colin Miller discuss the anticipated technological advancements in the radiopharmaceutical field to take place over the next decade. Topics include the importance of dosimetry, the "external beam paradigm," treatment options, AI in clinical trials and medical imaging, and more—all in under 6 minutes.

Listen to Fractals: Life Science Conversations via your preferred podcast service, and contact us today to learn more about working with Sandy and Bracken’s team of expert consultants.