22 September 2023

43 Leads in Two Weeks: Managing Ads the Bracken Way

Written by The Bracken Group
The Scenario

A long-time client with a unique digital care solution wanted to speak directly to health systems decision-makers; they needed to build and run an ad campaign connecting them to a specific audience, precisely identified and effectively targeted.

The Challenge

This ad campaign came alongside a creative refresh of the client’s ad-specific branding. Thus, success required crafting compelling ads with clearly focused messaging while simultaneously introducing revamped visuals, and all in a manner that didn’t merely reach target audiences, but successfully connected with relevant individuals within them.


The Strategy

After building master lists of hospitals and health care providers, we carefully layered in appropriate job titles to zero in on true decision-makers, and controlled for quality variables, ex. filtering out irrelevant organizations, excluding current clients, etc. Next, we brought in remarketing strategy to focus on those already familiar with our client. As ads launched, our proactive management approach kept optimizing constantly: doubling down on remarketing, adding filters to maintain lead quality, and comparing results and insights across the client’s other campaigns.


The Results
  • $28.54 Cost Per Lead
    • Clients Goal? Under <$100 per lead
  • 1.34% Click-Through Rate
    • Compare to industry average 0.44-0.65%
  • 43 total leads in 2 weeks 
    • 17 leads in first week alone


Hands-on Ad Management

“Set it and forget it?” Forget it!

At Bracken we take ad work seriously because we’ve seen its potential. That’s why we’re as meticulous in the ongoing management phase as we are through research, copy, graphics, and launch.

Once ads are live, we monitor individual ad performance to deliver continuous optimization, with transparent results via a detailed customer dashboard. When we offer guidance, we’ll include data to back it up— empowering informed decisions and deliberate strategic choices.

Are your ads reaching their full potential? With Bracken, they can.



Below is our case study on 43 Leads in Two Weeks: Managing Ads the Bracken Way. You can download it here.

TBG Case Study - TCL 2023 Ads (PREMs and PROMs campaign) (1)



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