Insights & Intel: The Bracken Blog

Maximizing the Impact of Your Digital Health Marketing Content

Written by Jen Yip | Jul 9, 2024 3:04:00 PM

As life science expands online, digital health technology prospects are consuming more content and engaging less directly. In this rapidly evolving environment, these digital health prospects crave a steady stream of content that guides them through every stage of their buying journey. However, producing quality content requires significant time and effort. How can you maintain a full digital health content funnel with limited resources? Here are some ideas and tips to maximize ROI from each piece of digital health marketing content.

The Content Challenge: A Love/Hate Relationship

High-quality content is crucial for a successful marketing strategy in the life sciences and digital health sectors. It must tell a compelling story that resonates with prospective buyers and converts them into customers. Creating impactful content involves several intricate steps: thorough research to understand industry trends and regulatory changes, interviews with experts for insights, comprehensive keyword analysis to ensure relevance, clear and engaging writing, rigorous review and approval cycles, and designing visually appealing multimedia elements. Despite the significant investment of time and resources, this process is essential for attracting and engaging the audience, building trust, and establishing your brand as a thought leader in the competitive digital health market.

Artificial intelligence (AI) can transform this process. Use AI-powered tools to analyze vast amounts of data to identify trends and insights quickly, or for a comprehensive keyword analysis, to ensure your content is relevant and optimized for search engines.

Good content requires a multi-step process:

  • Researching, interviewing experts, and gaining buy-in on a topic
  • Conducting keyword analysis to refine the topic and focus
  • Writing the content
  • Navigating review and approval cycles
  • Designing the content
  • Posting the content

This task can be both time-consuming and repetitive, and it starts anew for every piece of collateral. But what if you could repurpose a single piece of content, using it multiple times like a meal that yields a stream of leftovers?

Best Practices for Core Content

The first step is to create a great piece of core content by following these best practices:

  • Evergreen Topics: Focus on topics that remain relevant over time to ensure long-term value.
  • Unique Editorial Slant: Differentiate your content with a distinct point of view.
  • Target Audience Clarity: Clearly define who you are writing for and the problems they seek to solve.
  • Global Considerations: If needed, plan for localization from the outset.
  • Standalone Quality: Each content piece should convey a complete message, regardless of length.

With an excellent piece of core content, you can now explore ways to repurpose it effectively.

To aid in the content-creation process, incorporate AI-driven content creation tools. Utilize them to suggest topics with enduring relevance or to help identify a unique editorial slant by providing data-driven insights and creative prompts. You can leverage the natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning algorithms in AI tools to suggest different formats for existing content, such as turning a blog post into a video script or a series of social media posts.

AI doesn’t have to be a creative competitor—rather, use it as a tool to generate, populate, or iterate additional ideas from your preexisting foundation.

Embrace Microcontent

Digital health is a competitive space. Capturing your reader's attention within a brief window—sometimes as short as 8 seconds—is crucial. This is where microcontent thrives: brief, digestible text, images, audio, or video that can be consumed in less than 30 seconds. This type of content is perfect for delivering complete, concise messages or serving as engaging teasers that lead to more in-depth material, effectively engaging your audience quickly and efficiently.

Examples of Microcontent:

  • Infographics
  • Video clips
  • Images
  • Illustrations
  • Graphs
  • Tips
  • Facts
  • Listicles

Microcontent is especially useful on social media or targeted online spaces, where space and attention are limited. Use AI tools to automatically generate infographics from data sets or create short video clips from longer videos.

Examples of Digital Health Content Repurposing

Example 1: Video Interview with a Subject Matter Expert

A video interview with an executive, partner, or customer can generate multiple content streams:

  • Full, long-form video for your website
  • 3-5 minute clips for YouTube
  • Short, under-60-second soundbites for LinkedIn and Twitter
  • Audio for podcast platforms
  • Written transcript for a blog post
  • Short quotes for social media
  • Promotional graphics for your website content

AI-driven video editing tools can help segment long videos into shorter clips and optimize them for different platforms.

Example 2: Internal Marketing Campaign

Interviewing digital health leaders on industry trends, regulatory guidance, or technology best practices can fuel internal marketing efforts and build relationships.

Conduct an interview series with:

  • World experts
  • Internal subject matter experts
  • Leaders at target sales accounts
  • Ideal co-marketing and operational partners

This approach provides great content, benefits participants, and strengthens relationships.

Microcontent Tools to Simplify Your Work

Lacking internal design or media resources? Use these tools:

  • Lumen5: For video parsing
  • Canva: For quick and easy social media templates
  • To transcribe audio files

Many of these tools utilize AI to streamline the content creation process. For example, Lumen5 uses AI to turn blog posts into engaging videos.

Three Key Steps

Maintaining a full digital health content funnel doesn't have to be daunting. Follow these steps:

  • Create smart content
  • Find creative ways to reuse that content
  • Distribute it across multiple channels and formats

AI can support each of these steps by providing tools and insights that enhance creativity, efficiency, and effectiveness.

Implement this plan to efficiently conquer your content challenges. Need an expert’s eyes on your life science marketing strategy? We’ve got you covered. Contact us today to learn more about working with Jen and our marketing services team.