Get to Know Andrew Salzman, M.D.


Dr. Andrew Salzmana physician, scientist, entrepreneur, inventor, and executive, joined The Bracken Group (Bracken) in June. He talked with us recently about his lengthy career and many interests. 

headshot 1Q: You’ve been involved with many diverse organizations. Why align with Bracken?

A: Bracken’s work integrates everything that I’ve worked on so far in my career. It combines entrepreneurship, medicine, biology, pharmacology, drug development, chemistry, market analysis, and so much more. It’s a completely integrative consultancy providing integrated services. I’m very excited about that.

Q: Are there any particular types of clients or projects that you are especially eager to engage with?

A: There are several: Preclinical development of new chemical entities, critical care medicine, pediatric medicine, infectious disease, pulmonary vascular medicine, medicinal chemistry, quality control for small molecules, orphan diseases . . .

Q: I believe you designed a recombinant protein for use in treating a rare disease.

A: Yes, I spent five years on that project in homocystinuria, which is an ultra-rare pediatric disease.

Q: Is the treatment in use today?

A: It’s probably in Phase 3 trials at this time.

Q: In your LinkedIn profile, you describe yourself as a “physician, scientist, entrepreneur, and sailor.” Sailor?

A: That’s very important to me. I love sailing. I started sailing as a kid. I sailed competitively in high school and in college. I sailed across the Atlantic in a small boat when I was 20. And I’ve sailed throughout the world since then. Right now, I sail a lot of the year in Israel and in Martha’s Vineyard.

Q: Israel and Massachusetts are home bases for you, correct?

A: Yes. I grew up in the Boston area and lived there until I went to college at Yale. I moved to Israel in 2007 and have been based there since, but we also kept our family home on Martha’s Vineyard.

Q: What else should we know about you?

A: I love hiking and downhill skiing, and I get a lot of pleasure from helping young people, especially in scientific development. I like to help young people who are entrepreneurial. I spent a great amount of my life as an educator, and I love teaching, so it’s very natural to me to be providing consultation.

For more about Dr. Salzman, see his profile on the Bracken website here. Download his CV here

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