Ad Spend Calculator
The Bracken Ad Spend Calculator
Calculate the advertising investment needed to reach your financial goals.

1. Choose a total sales goal for the year.

$5 million in sales

2. Choose a value to represent a typical or average contract.

$100,000 per contract

3. This gives us the number of contracts needed.

50 contracts signed

4. Choose the percentage of these contracts that will come from Marketing


5. The number of contracts from Marketing is therefore:

50 contracts

6. These contracts will yield:

$50 in revenue.

7. Choose the percentage of qualified leads who will sign a contract.


8. This is how many qualified leads we will need:

250 qualified leads

9. Choose a percentage of all leads that become qualified:


10. This is how many leads we will need:

total leads.

11. In the life sciences, about 2% of ads clicked become leads, thus we'll need this many ad clicks to generate leads


12. Typically, 1.5% of viewed ads are clicked, thus we'll need this many ad views:


13. Choose a cost per click.


14. This is the ad investment needed to generate $50 of revenue, thus positioning our marketing efforts as a profit center.


Designed and programmed by Bracken's
Director of Digital Marketing, Kathryn Minzola
and Senior Partner, Paul Martinetti